Life does end at Birth -- Kerry's Blood Money

An interesting piece appeared in the October 11th edition of the Weekly Standard. It discusses Kerry's support from various third trimester and partial-birth abortions. Here's an excerpt from Blood Brothers: Why the leading practitioners of late abortion wrote checks to Kerry:

"MARTIN HASKELL, George Tiller, and Warren Hern have several things in common. All three are abortionists who specialize in late abortions. Haskell's name is closely linked with the partial-birth abortion method. Tiller and Hern may be the only two abortionists in the United States who openly advertise their willingness to perform third-trimester abortions.

"Finally, all three men have opened their checkbooks to support Senator John Kerry's bid to be president of the United States. Their contributions to Kerry's campaign total $7,000."

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This page contains a single entry by Pete Vere published on October 7, 2004 8:42 AM.

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