Showing the spunky can-do spirit that got him out of Vietnam eight months before he was supposed to leave, Senator Kerry (D-Fallujah) imagines that military wives are whiny and hopeless:
Conjuring up the image of a woman walking into a voting booth thinking about her husband fighting in Iraq, [Kerry] said: "On Tuesday, you have the choice to give her hope. You have the choice to give America a fresh start."I've got a great idea, Senator: why don't you try selling that line at Fort Bragg or Camp Lejeune, in front of a group of military wives? Why don't you ask them what they think about a candidate who undermines their husbands' mission, thus encouraging the murderous thugs they're fighting? Maybe you could finish the trip with a visit to a military hospital, where you can explain to the Purple Heart recipients -- and I'm talking about men with real injuries, not the little boo-boos you got -- that their sacrifice was meaningless and wrong.
Kerry is a girlie man...and his party this week tried to disenfranchise overseas military personnel.