Over on the Kerry Spot on NRO.

Blogger Slings and Arrows is on the "secret plan" beat, and has found that Kerry has accused Bush of having secret plans to privatize Social Security, wage nuclear war, cut social services, manipulate oil prices to benefit the Saudis, cut VA Benefits, cut Education Funding, and send jobs overseas.

Meanwhile, Kerry has refused to specify some of his foreign policy and economic proposals... because they're secret, and "as president there's huge leverage that will be available to me, enormous cards to play, and I'm not going to play them in public. I'm not going to play them before I'm president."

Could this be a case of projection?


If you can find any sentence spoken by John Kerry that does not contain the pronoun "I," I will give you a shiny nickel.


In this story, Kerry says at the end:

"You can get through deeper waters that way."

That sentence has no form of the first person personal pronoun whatsoever.

He forgot bring back the draft, invade Iran and North Korea, and call up lots of reservists after he election

Is TPFKAAC willing to break his anonymity and disclose an address to which Eric can send the shiny nickel?


Only if it's an old, rare, and very valuable shiny nickel.

What? Who?

On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.

Richard Chonak

John Schultz

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This page contains a single entry by Sal published on September 27, 2004 7:23 PM.

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