The Muslim formerly known as Cat Stevens was deported from the US because of potential links to terrorists. -link via Drudge

My older brother used to listen to his hippy crap. I always hated it with a burning passion. Even thinking about "Peace Train" makes me want to staple myself to a burning building so I might have something else to think about. I suppose I hate so much even to this day because a lot of modern liturgical music sounds like his banal style. Even the memory of Stevens singing "Morning Has Broken" gives me the urge to kill puppies and kittens. Yeah, it's that bad. Maybe I need therapy - music therapy even. I'm going to listen to "The Dream of Gerontius" three times between now and dinner.


An ex-moonie friend of mine told me that "Moon Shadow" was really about the Unification Church movement and its emperor......weird song.....but Sal..."Morning has broken" is a decent wasn't THAT bad....but wickedly overdone!

An ex-moonie friend of mine told me that "Moon Shadow" was really about the Unification Church movement and its emperor......weird song.....but Sal..."Morning has broken" is a decent wasn't THAT bad....but wickedly overdone!

I am not Stevens' biggest fan musically, to be sure.

I do wonder what has transpired between last May, when Stevens visited the White House, and now, when he is on a terror watch list. No specific links or reasons as to membership on this terrorist list are ever publically given. The guy has a pretty long history of supporting peaceful movements and organizations.

The other side is that Stevens has (reportedly) donated money to Hamas, an official terrorist organization, and was banned from entrance to Israel previously due to this financial support. I guess the US took the same view.

"'Morning has broken' is a decent wasn't THAT bad....but wickedly overdone!"

A variation of it is known as "Saint Patrick's Breastplate." Stevens couldn't exactly take credit (let alone the blame) for the latter.

Stevens can take credit for singing "Morning Has Broken", but IIRC, it was written a few decades earlier by Eleanor Farjeon.

Wow, I'm losing my touch. When I first read this entry I assumed it was Eric!

I was crazy about Cat Stevens (I was a teenage girl in '70's - what can I say?) but the treacly crap like Peace Train etc. bugged me even then.

What I'm thinking now is that he needed a Hard-Headed Woman - an maybe if he had found one (you know - someone like moi) he wouldn't be in the strange place(s) that he finds himself in 2004. We'll never know...

Wild world ain't so bad. Admittedly, that's the only song of his I know.

What? Who?

On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.

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This page contains a single entry by Sal published on September 23, 2004 1:02 PM.

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