NEW YORK — Nearly 140 years after the Civil War, another group of Americans wants to secede from the union.

Christian Exodus, a California-based group, wants God to be its commander in chief. Decrying what it perceives as the unjust secularization of the United States, it wants a sovereign state of its own.

But rather than eye the Golden State — a "lost cause," says the group's founder — it'll settle for South Carolina.


Next thing you know, they'll be evangelizing Fort Sumter.

Look, folks, I was born and reared here, and still live in SC, and I can tell you -- we've never recovered from starting the last one. So even though I assume they're being ironic, and don't think they have the remotest chance of success, it still just makes me sigh.'s a free country....more or less....le 'em try......

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This page contains a single entry by Sal published on August 16, 2004 8:23 AM.

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