Speaking of high-tech companies...

I don't have a story of discrimination like RC's post below, but I did install Service Pack 2 for Windows XP yesterday. The install worked in the same way the Dallas Charter worked - it seems to be a solution to all the problems other than the most pressing ones. Here are a list of the ill-effects that's I've noticed already:

1. I have bed sores from waiting for it to download and install. I didn't consider using the time the to say, build a financial empire or construct a to-scale relief map of the United States.

2. SP2 installs another nanny-type program called "Security Center" that includes a firewall but also annoys with warnings about automatic updates and virus protection. Security Center sees Norton AV installed but says it can't tell if the software is working. I'm sure if MS start selling anti-virus software it would work just fine. IF you change the auto-update settings to simply notify you that new updates are available for download the visual changes from green to yellow and it says "C H E C K S E T T I N G S." I don't want to download something I don't know about, even if it comes from Our Dear Software Provider.

3. A "Windows Marketplace" icon appears in the links toolbar of IE. You click on it and surprise, surprise you're on Microsoft's website where you can buy, buy, and buy more stuff to improve your computing experience. Just keep buying, folks, it's what keeps the economy going.


Y'mean you hadn't seen any of the stories about holding off?

I did, which is why I'm going to sit tight for a good long time.

Is it just my computer? If so, how can I fix it? The left-hand column with links, etc. overlays the second column.

2/3's of the A in August are missing. It is legible, but irritating. Is it something I can fix on my end?

In Christ's peace,


What browser are you using, Robin? If it's not the latest version, consider upgrading.

I use mostly Mozilla Firefox, but also test-view the site with MS Internet Explorer.

Netscape v4 will probably have some trouble with the site, but Netscape v7 should handle it just fine.



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This page contains a single entry by Sal published on August 22, 2004 8:11 AM.

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