Let's read the Washington Times together

Nobles and knaves

Knave: N.J. Gov. James McGreevey, for heralding his gayness to hide his crookedness.
And one from Thomas Sowell:

Pitting power vs. knowledge

What is liberalism all about? Regardless of whether the particular issue is race, agriculture, housing or a thousand other things, liberalism is about the government telling people what to do in their lives and work.
Most liberals who are for ordering other people around know as little as Teresa Heinz Kerry. But they don't have to know.
It has been said knowledge is power but, politically, power trumps knowledge.

1 Comment

Liberalism is also about crushing every social structure that stands between the individual and the state. In the name of freeing us from our obligations to the family, the church, the neighborhood, every voluntary organization and God, we are reduced to autonomous wards of the nanny state - freed to indulge our every desire
so long as it doesn't interfere with the state's priorities or bother the people in power too much.

What? Who?

On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.

Richard Chonak

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This page contains a single entry by Sal published on August 14, 2004 9:17 AM.

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