I was entirely unaware of this!

Apparently God is not a Republican.

From an article on catholic.org by Deacon Keith Fournier.


Good article, but the being opposed to pre-emptive war bit really annoys me and seems unscriptural to me.

Aside from the fact Iraq was not so much preemptive as it was a continuation of a lapsed , unresolved conflict (the 1991 Gulf War), to say that we must always wait to be struck first is asinine and unscriptural.

It's morally irresponsible for governments, as God's agents on earth, to fail to protect its citizenry from an attack. How imminent an attack does an attack have to be before Fournier could see the need for a preemptive strikes? And is Fournier aware that WE fired the first shot of our war with Japan in a preemptive/defensive strike by a US submarine against an advancing but not-yet-engaged-in-battle Japanese sub?

I agree with Ken. I'll also add that many forget about the 12 years Iraq fired on our aircraft supporting the No-Fly-Zones in the North and South. No body but our coalition aviatiors seem to remember the bounty Saddam put on thier heads. This had to be resolved. Saddam chose the method of resolution.

This article is mystifing to me, addition to the other points made well on the first 2 comments-----Our Lord told US to feed the hungry, clothe the naked---he didn't say---have the Government do it for you. Mother Teresa is a beautiful example. She cared for the poor, but begged our government to stop abortions.

Um ... uh ... He is too!!!!!

See my post on the main blog for my comment.

No....that's right.......I'm not a republican..........I'm a King.....God

God isn't a member of the Knights of Columbus, either -- should they disband?

God isn't a member of the Knights of Columbus, either -- should they disband?

Eric, who were you responding to? I don't recall the good deacon saying that the GOP should disband, and none of the now-appearing comments did. A deleted post?

No, I was trying to say that just because God isn't a registered Republican or Democrat doesn't mean that we can't legitimately join them, or any other organization for that matter.

What? Who?

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