Your country needs you, Eric

To rise to its defense against this Op/Ed piece by Ted Rall, "BOYCOTT THE MILITARY"

Have a gander at Mr. Ralls "editorial" cartoons and you'll see where he's coming from.


Ted Rall is neither a cartoonist or a writer. His work smacks of chumpish liberalism. If he made a movie, I'm sure it would get high honors at Cannes. In the mean time, perhaps he should choose a more desireable place to live. Egypt. Libya. France. They all hate America, but would probably ask if his last name was changed from Rallenberg.

We could sure use a good right-handed political cartoonist...

No, Eric, your country doesn't need you. I say let a hundred flowers bloom. Let Ted Rall have his say and pray that he gets larger and larger megaphones and broader and broader distribution for his contemptible rants. For verily I say unto you, the more psychotic the left looks, the better. The more Ted Rall is the public face of the war dissidenters, the more he is seen as one more "liberal spokesman," the more his self-evident lunacy tainteth them all. If Al Sharpton cannot be the president candidate, let Ted be an analyst. And let him be anathema.

-- Thus spake Victor

Your country needs you (and appreciates your various forms of service), but not to respond to Ted Rall. He's a total dirtball. Changing Christopher's diaper would be more rewarding and leave you feeling less soiled.

And Christopher is probably more mature than Ted Rall also.

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On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.

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This page contains a single entry by Sal published on July 12, 2004 8:29 PM.

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