This guy's funny


Frank at IMAO says:

I think Arnold should keep up the rhetoric. He should have a press conference to apologize saying, "I am so sorry I upset the Democrats by calling them 'girlie men.' To make up, I'll give them all pretty flowers so they squeal with girlish glee."



Many commentators have noted that the term "girlie man" actually came from the old "Hans and Franz" sketches on SNL, which gently spoofed Ahnold. But I have not yet heard anyone mention what the term actually *meant* in those sketches.

Hans and Franz were supposedly Arnold's cousins, who were absolutely obsessed with bodybuilding and idolized their famous cousin. Weightlifting meant so much to them that they called any man who didn't work out a "girlie man".

The term, as they used it had NOTHING to do with sexual orientation! It just meant that a particular man did not pump iron. Of course, certain gays are really into bodybuilding, so by the standards of Hans and Franz such gays would not qualify as "girlie men".

Yet few are likely to point this fact out during this lastest tempest in a PC teapot....

In Jesu et Maria,

Isn't it funny that the liberals, who are so concerned with gay rights would take such offense at the Governor supposedly calling them gay? It reminds me of the Seinfeld episode where people though Jerry and George were gay. They kept denying it with the disclaimer "not that there's anything wrong with that."

What? Who?

On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.

Richard Chonak

John Schultz

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This page contains a single entry by Richard Chonak published on July 20, 2004 12:26 PM.

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