The beginning of my faith journey toward Republicanism


Below is a photo depicting the Mount Vernon High School Young Republicans, circa 1989-90. At that time, I was just beginning my faith journey toward Republicanism. Pope Bush I was on the throne. As the arrow indicates, I am the one with the Rolling Stones t-shirt and the unshaven face.

Mount Vernon High School Young Republicans

By the way, Schultz boys -- I've got the yearbook open. You want me to scan in some pics of you?


In nominus ronnie
et gingrii
et spiritus georgii.


Thank you for making me laugh at the beginning of this grim day, Victor.

Schultz pictures are not necessary, thank you. The will just remind of me leaner times.

Eric - you look just as silly in the stones t-shirt today as you did yesterday and 10 years ago...

So this is where the vast, right-wing conspiracy began? Looks innocent enough!

What? Who?

On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.

Richard Chonak

John Schultz

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About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Eric Johnson published on July 28, 2004 12:01 AM.

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