Political convention wager


I will bet $5 that Senator Kerry will proclaim his support for abortion in his acceptance speech.

I will bet another $5 that none of the pro-abortion Catholic Republicans will mention abortion in their speeches.

Anybody want to put their money where their mouth is? I'm serious about this --I'll take the first one to contact me on either wager. Nathan, I'm glancing over at you....


If one of the GOP pro-aborts mentions the "big tent", does that count as a reference to abortion?

Well he might proclaim that life begins at conception but that personhood only begins at birth....the Kerry distinction...it seems to be flying. I'd be more inclined to say you're right on the republicans being too jittery to bring the subject up.....as usual........Santorum will prolly be on after 11pm...if that's not too early. And the local news will break in to cut him off.....

I will make a further wager that the phrase "big tent" will not make an appearance in any prime-time speech, if you're game.

NOBODY wants to take my wagers?


I'll take the Kerry part of your wager under the following conditions:

If you are correct, I will only be required to pay if I see Kerry make the reference to abortion in his acceptance speech live on TV, or in person, and it will be at my sole discretion whether to watch, on tv or in person, any or all of the Democratic convention, its commentary, aftermath, etc. Do you accept?

Nope, Coward, no deal, though I realize your tongue is in your cheek. The abortion reference must be in either the official speech or a reliable transcript of the speech.

I'm sure the Republicans in Catholic clothing will not voice their support for abortion at the Convention, but that doesn't change the fact that they have been vocally in favor of abortion right up until the Convention. At least the Democrats are honest about it.

The Kerry distinction seems to be flying with whom? Kerry, and the Paulist Center?

Nathan, I would like to know which Republican speaking at the convention made their pro-abortion stance a *centerpiece of their campaign* like Senator Kerry. Give me names, man, names!

The facts are plain: the Republicans permit pro-abortion politicians to exist within their ranks. Democrats make it a requirement of party support, at least at the national level, with very few exceptions.

Eric, just admit that if the Church ordered you to vote Democrat tomorrow you would still vote Republican, and we can all move on.

Contra Nathan, the "honesty" of those who openly support abortion on demand isn't a good quality.

Given a choice between "honest" people who praise evils as good, and "hypocrites" who at least give lip service to the real good -- I'll take the "hypocrites" any day!

Nathan's just continuing with his absurd thesis that Republicans, and Bush, are really just the same as Democrats on abortion. I predict that his sophistical thesis will bear fruit by November and he'll openly support pro-abortion Kerry over "pro-abortion" Bush as the "lesser of two evils". (Note those were scare quotes, not direct quotations of things Nathan said. Though they could almost be para-phrases at this point.)

I will never publicly support John Kerry. To do so would be to commit the sin of scandal. After November, you can decide what to do about your sin of bearing false witness against your neighbor.

RC -- I would rather know if someone supports abortion than hear him say that he doesn't, only to find later that he does. Wouldn't you?

By the way, I think I've changed my mind about that never publicly supporting John Kerry thing. I think it's far more scandalous to support Bush, so I reserve the right to support whoever I want to.

Flip-flopping on whether to vote for Kerry! Very appropriate. And I thought you didn't have a sense of humor.


Changeing your mind, eh? Now about that accusation of bearing false witness you made against me...

What? Who?

On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.

Richard Chonak

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This page contains a single entry by Eric Johnson published on July 25, 2004 10:51 PM.

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