How to enjoy the coming disaster


Since I live near Boston, I'm speaking, of course, of the impending Democratic party convention that is about to close highways and bridges, make our subway stations operate as smoothly as airport checkpoints, shut down business for a week, and - oh, yeah -- cost the taxpayers over $20 million in direct subsidies.

Well, at least we get to crack jokes at the Dems.

Update: Coverage of highway and subway closures.


I think it would be kewl for a couple of gay dudes or dudettes to get married on prime time to show the people what they're gonna get if they don't get off their democratic "asses" the country what massachussetts wants to give us....

And of course New York will experience the same thing when the Republican National Convention convenes.


You see, that's the real reason the GOP has all those liberal speakers: so they can bribe Pataki to let them hold the convention in NYC, where they don't have any votes to lose from screwing up the city (likewise, the dems couldn't lose votes in Boston if they made Newt Gingrich their keynote speaker and had Bostonians arrested at random during the convention; not in this election cycle anyhow).

Crack jokes? You mean former Washington mayor-for-life Marion Barry is going to be at the convention?

Come on, Richard. When have the highways and bridges in Boston ever been open? The Big Dig will live forever!

Nah, Nathan; New York can pull this sort of thing off any time. For one thing, there's no Interstate highway next to the GOP's site needing to be shut down for security reasons.

Boston pols, as usual envious of New York's status, are ambitious to be looked on as the operators of "a world-class city" and have overreached. Not that there will be some disaster, just a load of inconvenience for people living and working in town.

Paul: you're absolutely right: what was I thinking?

These boneheads built a long urban tunnel for a major highway, and designed it with a feature where it narrows from three lanes to two. It's already giving us underground traffic jams. I thought that only happened in the Alps!

Nah, Nathan; New York can pull this sort of thing off any time. For one thing, there's no Interstate highway next to the GOP's site needing to be shut down for security reasons.

Are you sure? I remember when Rush Limbaugh used to bitch about Clinton coming to town because it would clog up traffic, and Mayor Bloomberg (May he be expelled from the Party!) asking Cheney not to come for the same reason (IIRC, his trip was on one of the 911 anniversaries; I'm not totally sure though). Of course it's possible that Rush didn't want Clinton in NYC because Clinton was Clinton (and unfortunately still is Clinton; he really should be someone else) and Bloomberg (May he be expelled from the Party!) didn't want Cheney there for similar reasons: because he's a super-liberal who was embarassed to be in the same party as Bush, Cheney, and for that matter 90% of Republicans.

All things considered, I'm sticking to my original theory: The GOP convention is being held in New York because they aren't afraid to piss anyone off there.

What? Who?

On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.

Richard Chonak

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This page contains a single entry by Richard Chonak published on July 19, 2004 7:58 PM.

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