Let me get us started.
- Your eyes say "No!" but your hair says, "Yes! Yes! Yes!"
- Kerry: You smell, terrific, John! Edwards: You smell terrific, too, John!
- Edwards: I've never felt this way about a man before! Kerry: I've never run for President before!
- Kerry: Don't mention Vietnam too much. Edwards: What's Vietnam?
this is not a caption - but don't they look like a gay couple at their wedding?
Rev. Sharpton, off camera, "You may kiss the groom!"
"You may kiss the veep."
Kerry is a legislative lightweight (quick: name an issue or major piece of legislation he can claim as his own.) He had to pick someone even lighter-weight than himself, somebody who had to run for president because he probably couldn't have won re-election in North Carolina.
If I were a Kerry supporter, I'd be cringing that this is the best they can do.
It was a process of elimination: all the other contenders were worse than Edwards, except for Hillary. But Hillary would demand to run the show (if they won). Besides, I wouldn't want to be the one heartbeat that separates Hillary Clinton from the Presidency; would you?
"I understand you're a trial lawyer, John."
"That's right, Senator... Do you want to try me?"
"Mr. Kerry, I read a whole book on foreign policy since we last talked."
"By the power vested in me by the State of Massachusetts ..."
"I'm working on a new smile. It's called 'Blue Steel'."
"I'm pretty sure there's a lot more to life than being really, really good looking. And I plan on finding out what that is." (Yes, Victor sez, I saw ZOOLANDER again the other day.)
"Is it still dark outside? Can we make it last just one more hour?"
"Now whatever you do, don't make me look like an aloof charisma-proof snob. The millworker father shtick has got to go."
"So what IS life like in The Other America?"
"So what IS life like in The Other America?"
I love it!
John-John for President.
"Are too!"
"Are not!"
"Are too!"
"Are not!"
What a ticket.....Lurch and Andy Griffith....I don't think they'd carry Mayberry.
One stupid move outta you Johnny Reb and your dead meat!
Don't-chew fret none now... I'll be OK wit dem Yankees!!!
What is that thing on your lip?
What...me worry?
"Is that a boil on the side of your face?"
"Kiss me you fool"
"Frankly, John, I don't give a damn"
"Mop-Top meets Flip-Flop"
"Where are those floral crowns we were supposed to wear?"