

Teresa and I are back from vacation - it was a restful time out at the Outer Banks in North Carolina. We also had a family reunion in Waynesboro, Virginia, including four generations of Muellers - from a few months old to nearly 94. Teresa's dad was able to be transported from the nursing home and had steak, potato salad, country ham and a gin and tonic. He does alot better with home-cooking than the food at the home.

I returned to a pile of e-mail, including a little nugget from the liturgy director at my parish. We've been soliciting feedback via e-mail and received a missive that included the words "I would like to see more music from the Oregon Catholic Press." It also said that people who want latin at church are on some sort of "nostalgia trip."

Oh, well. I'm glad I'm back, even if I need to fight the dragons.


I went to John's parish a few times when we were youths. If he had nostalgia, it would be for Marty Haugen, not plainchant.

I also think it's funny when people say things like "Well, you had Catholicism crammed down your throat when you were a kid, that's why you believe such-and-such." I have to patiently explain that I do not believe in Catholicism because I grew up with it, I embraced it because I am completely insane.

Sal, my lovely wife, and I were musing about the nostalgia trip, and the best parallel statement anyone could think of was this:

- Since Jesus lived 2000 years ago, anybody who worships Him is on a nostalgia trip.

OCP has had chant in their music tissue hymnals now for a couple of years. They apparently got a lot of requests for it or their meds wore off and they thought for an instant to get serious about Vatican II. Regardless, OCP is a business. They have to keep the customer satisfied. I suggest you reach out to the letter writers and over coffee explain why we do Latin from time to time.

What? Who?

On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.

Richard Chonak

John Schultz

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This page contains a single entry by John Schultz published on May 31, 2004 6:58 PM.

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