Question for Eric

Looking at your Googlewar post below, I'm lead to believe that you have something against folk music. What exactly is your beef with folk music?


If folk music increased reverence at Mass, and lead to greater devotion to Christ and his Church, I'd have no problem with it, except aethetically. However, it doesn't appear to do either. My impression is that many folk musicians enjoy the attention they receive by being next to the altar (and why they're always next to the altar instead of in the choir is beyond me.) Much of the music boils down to "God is great, we're so great," which is at best innocuous and at worst poisonous to humility, which is essential to spiritual development.

Eric - I couldn't agree more! I just wanted to hear you say it in the way only you can!

Ahh, you mean folk as in 60s radicals, not as in the traditional musics of Europe and Asia.

What? Who?

On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.

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This page contains a single entry by Sal published on May 25, 2004 5:02 AM.

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