It don't come easy


Nathan says he's giving up.


No, it doesn't, and those of us who remain are here not by our own strength or virtue. God bless Nathan, and come home soon.

Yes, God Bless you, Nathan, if you're lurking about.

Saint Mary Magdalene, pray for Nathan, who has a special attachment to you and love for you.

The doors are always open, Nathan. The Lord never closes His house to His children. Come back to us when you can.

(And is there a chapter of Courage near Nathan? Does anyone know the group's web site, so we can send him the link?)

Hugs and rosaries....

I hope he's still lurking nearby. I wonder if he knows Huw Raphael.....
I will keep him in prayers.
Nathan, come home soon. We will keep the light on.

Huw Raphael has a blog here:

Maybe Nathan would want to check it out. It might give him some support.

How beautifully and graciously everyone wrote about the struggles of Nathan (whom I do not know,) and how Christian their prayers for him!

Wonder why they can't take the same tone with other straying brothers (Kerry, Ono, Santorum, etc.)


How on earth can you compare Catholic politicians who are fanatically devoted to the murder of the unborn, along with their Catholic cheerleaders who claim that one can be fanatically devoted to the murder of the unborn and be a good Catholic candidate, with a blogger who is leaving the Church over moral and spiritual issues?

Nathan - go with God, and drop back by once in a while. We'll miss you.

Richard - that was one heck of a good post you had at Nathan's blog. I hope I can be that sort of level-headed loving father to my children.

What? Who?

On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.

Richard Chonak

John Schultz

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This page contains a single entry by Richard Chonak published on May 2, 2004 11:40 PM.

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