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On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.
Richard Chonak
John Schultz
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Richard Chonak
John Schultz
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About this Entry
This page contains a single entry by Sal published on May 20, 2004 9:00 AM.
Welcome to Dowdworld, where facts are impediments was the previous entry in this blog.
Remember in November? is the next entry in this blog.
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"Even an embryo this big isn't human life!"
Just a smidge of Scotch, please.
I once caught a fish THIS BIG!!!
"The other day, as I was thinking about my heroic 126-day service in Vietnam, I received an electronic mail message, which implied that my male organ was about yay-big. I categorically deny these allegations, which could have only come from the Republican attack machine. I call on President Geoooorgedubbayabush to call off the attack dogs, and stop impugning my patriotism by implying that my manhood is not commensurate with my stature, as it were, both as a junior senator, and as one who served in Vietnam, which my opponent did not."
"And no, I will not release my complete medical records."
That was a good one, Eric!
"I have only this much more of the Catechism to ignore..."
You see, this is the eye of the needle....
I'm only this far from where Eugene V. Dibbs was on most issues...but don't tell. I want it to be a surprise...
"so you see, i'm this Catholic when it comes to the important issues...but i'm a humdinger when it comes to the other stuff!"
"It's time we adopt the metric system."
"I crushing your head!"
"I am too a good Catholic, the Pope and I are this close . . ."
"So there was the bishop, holding the Eucharist in front of me just like this and saying "The Body of Christ," when all of a sudden he saw it was me and yanked it away.
"In retrospect, he was right, of course ... and I thank him for his charity in keeping me from receiving unworthily. I wish someone had done it sooner -- it really made me think."
Well I got my first Purple Heart for a scratch this long.
You know that little container that Colon Powell held up at the UN meeting? Well, he exagerated. It would take a vial almost THIS BIG to kill the number of people he was talking about.
No, no, no. My first wife's estate was only worth about this much compared to Theresa's!
Yeah, the botox injections are done with these little bitty needles like this...
Sal - can you make the picture smaller? I'm getting really sick of it. It's just too much Kerry.
my soul is thiiiiis big!
I've intervened and reduced the picture to a more modest size.
"I wish all pictures of me were this big."
"I'll probably lose November's election by this much."
The size of box into which Kerry has securely enclosed his god.
"I am just this close to church teaching on abortion"
The Pope and I differ by only a little bit when it comes to the santicty of human life.
I was this close to voting for the 87 billion package, before I voted against it.
He looks much better in a pixellated black and white.
Actually, I think that's halftone, not pixellation. </pedantry>
Using The GIMP, I converted the image to grayscale, re-scaled it to 60% of its former width and height, posterized it to 16 levels (which may have been redundant), and applied the "newsprint" effect with a line size of 3 pixels and an angle of 25 or 30 degrees. The anti-aliasing setting was 2 pixels.
I saved the result as an optimized progressive JPEG at quality setting 0.2. Unfortunately, the resulting image file was still as much as 50% of the original's size; I had hoped to reduce it further.
Eric, this is you:
I don't care what that ruler has I'm telling you this is 12 inches!