'Brood of vipers'


HLI's Fr. Thomas Enteneuer responds to the 48 pro-abortion politicians who wrote to Cdl. McCarrick.


It probably gave Fr. Enteneuer a big emotional release to write this letter. Many of us would just love to sputter at these reprobate Catholic legislators, "You've lost your faith, admit it, get the hell out, don't let the door hit you on the can on the way out!"

But sputtering our feelings at them isn't helpful. Much better to intelligently, simply, rebut the specific arugments in their letter and gently, firmly, kick their silly reasoning out from under them like Tinkertoy sticks. Like Fr. Poumade did in his excellent homily.

We're at war, a war fought by argument in the public square. Our arguments are better. We should wield our arguments, even passionately, but not our unfocused feelings. That's how we have any hope of really cooperating with God to convince whatever people of good will are paying attention.

This is exactly what Pelosi needed to hear....and the rest of her co-conspirators.

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On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.

Richard Chonak

John Schultz

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