Whose responsibility?


Our attention was recently brought to the following, which we found to be most informative.

"The discernment of cases in which the faithful [...] are to be excluded from Eucharistic Communion is the responsibility of the Priest who is responsible for the community. [The priest is] to give precise instructions to the deacon or to any extraordinary minister regarding the mode of acting in concrete situations."

See the Pontifical Council for the Interpretation of Legislative Texts for the complete text.

While the document concerns itself specifically with cases of "remarriage" after divorce, the above would seem to apply to other cases, such as politicians with pro-abortion voting records, &c.

Surely Cardinal McCarrick and Archbishop O'Malley have read this document? Surely they will make their priests abundantly aware of it (with a promise of defense and support in the application of this policy, of course)?


you ought to send this fo


he is pastor at the cathedral in boston. you can't get directly to omalley.

For the record, Fr. Carr's the parochial vicar at the cathedral.

What? Who?

On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.

Richard Chonak

John Schultz

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