Vote often and early!


We've been nominated for a Bloggie in the category of "Best Group Blog". Exit polls so far show us to be, um, still in contention.


Please don't make Catholic Light the "Howard Dean of the Bloggies" Get in there and vote.

Catholic Light it is! (Just don't tell Pat)

For next year, I'm already lobbying for a category of Best Multiple Blog Hosting Domain.

I wonder why the cut-off is Feb. 18: is that St. Blog's day or something? Wouldn't the Chair of St. Peter be a better date?

Or Feb. 23, the Feast of St. Polycarp?

No fair--I spit diet coke on my screen at the St. Polycarp remark.

Bwaaa haaaa haaaaa.

Don't be mean when you trounce the Mamas.....

...and the Mommies!

Congratulations to you all!

RC, when they have that category, be assured of my vote.

If you come in third, will you give a loud speech in which you apparently lose your mind? ;)

We're gonna go to blogspot, we're gonna go to Diary-x, to typepad, to Livejournal! We're gonna go to the domain, and we're taking back the Awards! YAAAAAAAARRRRRRGHHH!!!!!!!

Shea gave such a speach in his comment boxes and he almost didn't get a clean sweep of all the categories he was nominated for: he only narrowly beat out Envoy in the apologetics category.

Really? He said something like that?

Goes to show that Mark Shea keeps stealing my stuff. He'd be nothing without me.

What? Who?

On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.

Richard Chonak

John Schultz

You write, we post
unless you state otherwise.


About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Richard Chonak published on February 5, 2004 2:09 AM.

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