Catholic theater?


I thought Catholic theater companies only existed in places that have a Catholic culture: you know, like Poland. Not here in America.

Yes, there was the exception, Leonardo Defilippis, who for a long time seemed to have the Catholic theater niche all to himself, touring from his home base in Oregon.

Now the next generation is coming up. Boston's Fiat Productions opened Arthur Giron's Edith Stein tonight. The Epiphany Studio is active in Nebraska, there's an outfit called "Theophany" in Washington -- which I will see on Saturday doing readings from the Pope's poetry -- and San Jose has Quo Vadis, whose founder Cathal Gallagher has also launched a company in LA.

Any more out there?


I wish we had something like this near me.

I read this and said, "We do?" I called the number given for Quo Vadis to verify that they're still there. Yup, although there won't be a new production until the fall. Thanks, guys!

The Edith Stein Production went spectacularly well here in Boston. We had over 1000 attend over our 2 week run. We were even been invited to extend our run on the North Shore, make a movie, and tour out of state. Our academic symposium was a success as well. We featured theologians, a Holocaust survivor, and representatives from One-by-One...all came together in beautiful interfaith dialogue and reconciliation. Please visit our webpage for all the news coverage we received, including NPR.

For your information, we have two offices: one in Boston, MA and the other in Lincoln, NE. Here on the East coast, we are perhaps the only company doing full-length full-cast plays. Even in the midwest, other companies are only doing one-man, one-act shows.

Of note, we've not only received an Apostolic Blessing, but also a Blessing from the Archbishop of Boston.

Please keep up in your prayers as we prepare for our next production. Our webpage is and our office line is 617-482-1369.

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On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.

Richard Chonak

John Schultz

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