Death of Canadian Democracy


Okay, the next sentence is gonna be a little cumbersome and involve heavy name dropping.... A recent piece on homosexual marriage, the suppression of civil liberties and the death of Canadian democracy written by John Pacheco of and I for a fall issue of Culture Wars is now available on-line at the Sierra Times. Here's a sample:

"On June 15th, 2001, the Saskatchewan Human Rights Board of Inquiry fined Hugh Owens, an evangelical Protestant, and the Saskatoon Star Phoenix $1500 for violating the equality rights of three gay men. Mr. Owen’s crime? He expressed his opinion on gay and lesbians sex through an advertisement in the Saskatoon Star Phoenix. This advertisement consisted of a pictograph of two men holding hands superimposed with a circle and slash- the symbol of something forbidden-and a list of Bible verses condemning the practice of homosexuality. While Mr. Owens is currently appealing this ruling, if he loses and still refuses to comply with the Board of Inquiry, he will potentially find himself charged with contempt of court. If convicted, he will likely find himself consigned to jail as the first prisoner of conscience in the war between sexual plurism and religious plurism."

Read the whole piece here


...written by me....
...written by John and me.....
....written by John Pacheco of whatever and me...

I just like reading you and hate this mistake. That's what homeschooling will do to previously calm people.

What about the "plurism"? That sounds medical.

i would tell disgruntled canadians to hop on down to the united states, but i'm not sure we're faring much better ourselves. heavy sigh.

You might want to fix the link to Culture Wars: one to many "u"'s.

What? Who?

On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.

Richard Chonak

John Schultz

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About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Pete Vere published on January 2, 2004 10:00 AM.

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