Captain Kangaroo, RIP


I used to watch him a bit when I was a wee one. Only problem with this pic is it looks like he was thinking about cooking the bunny up Tuscan style for dinner.

"Kids, does that sound tasty to you? It sure does to me!"


He and Mr. Green Jeans were both WWII Marines. I'm not making that up.

You mean, Mr. Green Beret Jeans?

He was a Marine, but I THINK he joined in the summer of '45 - maybe slightly before WWII was over, but too late to see WWII action. (It wasn't that he was trying to avoid action - it was that he wasn't old enough to join sooner - he wasn't even quite 18 when he did join.)

According to his bio, he served from 1945-46. I don't know that he saw any combat, but the first half of 1945 saw some of the worst action of the whole Pacific war.

What? Who?

On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.

Richard Chonak

John Schultz

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This page contains a single entry by John Schultz published on January 23, 2004 4:59 PM.

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