Earthquake in D.C.!


Literally. I'm not talking about a metaphorical, political earthquake -- I mean I felt the building tremble a little bit. I figured it was some kind of machinery in the building that was vibrating, but nope -- apparently it was an earthquake, 4.5 on the Richter scale.

That makes at least five quakes I've been in: three in California (not a big deal, I know), but the last one was a year ago in London, which set off the hotel's alarm system at 2 a.m. and scared the living crap out of me.


Hmm, we had an earthquake here in Oklahoma. I was no where near it.

Richmond is known for their earthquakes. And their pancakes.

I didn't write that! There is an Anonymous Coward impersonator!

Maybe there's more than one Anonymous Coward....

Well then, everyone should know that there is more than one Anonymous Coward. I don't want people attributing things to me that I never said.

Be glad you were in DC and not in Baku where a 4.5 earthquake levels all buildings not built by Stalinists (according to my sister who was there when an earthquake struck).

I'm glad I'm not in Baku because I have no idea where it is.

I was in DC. I didn't feel anything. I feel like I missed something.

Is it possible to attribute something to someone who's anonymous?

It is if he always signs as Anonymous Coward.

It doesn't matter.

There are plenty of people who sign as "Anonymous Coward" on various net-forums, so neither of you two ACs owns the handle. That is, if you are not merely one AC in two places.

Anyway, anonymous writers cannot repudiate forgeries.

What if I start signing my posts as The Poster Formerly Known As Anonymous Coward?

Anybody can sign their posts as "TPFKAAC" too.

Come to think of it, the use of an invalid e-mail address is a problem.

A person with a real e-mail address can repudiate a forgery by sending an e-mail to us. We can verify the repudiation by replying to the e-mail and getting a confirmation back.

Really, I should confer with the rest of the CL folks about whether we should accept anonymous comments at all. I prefer to discourage them.

What? Who?

On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.

Richard Chonak

John Schultz

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unless you state otherwise.


About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Eric Johnson published on December 9, 2003 5:30 PM.

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