There's a cute feature on Google, called the Zeitgeist, which lists the search queries gaining (and fading) in popularity.
What search query has led more people to Catholic Light than any other in the first two days of December? Why, it's "pamela anderson sunday school". CL is the tenth Google hit for that search. The public also apparently wants to read (and comment vociferously!) on that "al franken liar".
Of course, occasionally people have to read something substantial here: Eric's year-old "arguments against cloning" has proved to be a post of lasting popularity.
But I'm proud to say that we're #1 in the Google results if you search for the phrase "thongs at church".
Not only the phrase "thongs in church," but we positively dominate the rankings if you type "thongs" and "church" as separate words. Other sites in the search results are, ahem, a little more "edgy."
There is a comment under "Thongs at church" that is so full of blasphemy and profanity it is not fit for anyone to read. Perhaps you can remove it?
It's apparently the lyric to some song, and there are copies of it elsewhere on the net. I guess it would be accurate to call it a hate song.
I'm inclined to leave it up just to let its shameful character be seen; but I'll ask the rest of the CL group.