Clerical eye for the pro-abort guy


Another article brought to our attention by Ken Shepherd, whom we love: "Catholic Bishops Eye Possible Crackdown of Pro-Abortion Pols."

I'm not for driving off the confused and the under-catechized, but I am wholeheartedly in favor of contending in public for the Faith. Identify those who publicly oppose their own Church, lament their betrayal, and do penance on their behalf. In the end, though, if they do not repent, then recognize that they have cut themselves off from the living waters of the sacraments, and impose the proper penalty.

The time has long passed for convincing. The time has come for driving the wolves away from the sheep -- which is what the pointy end of the crozier is for, after all. Sure, the media will go nuts, but Jesus will love the bishops for it, and so (much less importantly) will faithful Catholics. Nobody ever died of embarrassment, and anyone ashamed to uphold the Gospel of Christ won't make it to heaven anyway. It's a couple of decades past due, but it's never too late to defend the faith. Do it!


Thanks, man. I'm feeling the love.

Sadly, I'll reveal to you all some sad news in re They had to lay off a lot of staff and are retooling to be more investigative news-oriented and less all purpose news. Thus is how not-for-profit online newswires weather a downturn in the market and a rough economy.

But they'll still be around and so I encourage you all to take a peek at their stuff every now and then.

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This page contains a single entry by Eric Johnson published on November 12, 2003 5:37 PM.

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