This headline speaks volumes...


...about the quandry the Anglican's are in over actively and openly gay ministers, bishops and gay marriages.

From the Washington Times:
Anglicans Seek Consensus on Gay Policy

How do you get consensus on such an issue?


How do you get consensus on such an issue?

Perhaps by worshipping Frank Griswold.

The irony of the situation for the Anglican Primate is that the Pope would be in his same position -- a primacy of honor without jursidiction -- if some of our Orthodox brothers were right. Thankfully they are not, because this is the kind of mess that ensues with such an interpretation of the papacy.

Anyway, thanks be to God! Let's hope the Holy Spirit prevails in the Anglican Church.

There's a LOT to be said for decentralization church government. And in fact decentralized church government is completely Biblical. EXCEPT that the primacy of Scripture must override local or episcopal machinations to the contrary.

In the end times, whole churchs and denominations will fall by the wayside into beguiling apostasies. But simultaneously a great revival of the spread of the Gospel and the harvest of souls will ensue.

We see this now. Never before seen opportunities for evangelism. Never before seen technologies to spread the Gospel. But we also have never before seen manners of promulgating falsity and error and doctrines which demons teach.

ALL Christian churches must stand watch against false doctrine and run out of the church those who oppose essential, undeniable, infallible doctrine of Scripture.

Remember, the Episcopals and Anglicans have tolerated bishops and priests who deny the existence of a literal hell for the wicked and who deny the bodily Resurrection of Christ. Those false doctrines should be grounds for immediate dismissal from ministry, but haven't been.

I'm hoping the doctrinally orthdox parishes in the Episcopal Church align themselves with Biblically orthodox Anglican bishops in Africa who ground their teachings on Scripture, and not the New York Times or the Democratic Party platform.

What? Who?

On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.

Richard Chonak

John Schultz

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This page contains a single entry by John Schultz published on October 16, 2003 9:48 AM.

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