The Twilight of Canadian Freedoms


Well folks, after this past week, Canada has now fallen behind enemy lines in the culture war. We've also shed our last vestiges of democracy and laid the foundation for a future religious persecution at the hands of the Sexual Revolt. First off, a motion to protect the traditional definition of marriage as "between a man and a woman" was narrowly defeated in our federal legislature. The Bill C-250 passed the following day (Thursday), which adds "sexual orientation" to the Canadian Code of Criminal Law in such narrow terms that basically the Bible and the Catechism of the Catholic Church now fulfill the legal definition of hate literature. Lifesite News provides a pretty good roundup of the situation. Meanwhile, all is not lost... John Pacheco continues to soldier on in the provincial election. However, I'm on the verge of seeking US citizenship.



I'm not against country-hopping per se--or parish-hopping for that matter,but as much as we'd welcome your arrival south of the border, wouldn't that be a classic case of jumping from the frying pan into the fire--especially post-Lawrence?

After all, is Canada the origin or recipient of the moral decadence and Culture of Death permeating the United States?

Does the tail really wag the dog?

Just my thoughts,

Times Against Humanity

Maybe you could claim refugee status as a persecuted religious minority?

Canada was a nice thing while it lasted, but if it's over now, would Alberta or Manitoba perhaps like to join us?

On the other hand, you can keep the fight up for a while with public readings of the Bible and the Catechism. (Call the Chinese!)

I wonder if the next Human Life International-Canada conference will qualify for persecution.


I just hope that we can keep the U.S. from sliding down the same path. The culture of death has made many inroads into both of our countries this year, though the situations are not identical, they have the same cause. The institutionalization of a perceived fairness over moral truths.

As a fellow Floridian I would be more than glad to have you as a citizen to add your vote to keeping the same from happening here.

Earl: Thanks for your kinds words. I don't think the US is leading Canada on this. Rather, I think Canada is unfortunately following the lead of Europe. At least in the US, the culture war still rages...

C Matt: That will likely soon the be the case. In fact, recently the Amish were able to enter the United States for this reason.

Rich: I don't see Manitoba doing so, but I think in Alberta it could be likely. Manitoba is basically like Nebraska, whereas Alberta is Canada's version of Texas.

Jeff: You're in Florida too? Where?


I am up in Jacksonville home of the 0-3 Jaguars.

What? Who?

On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.

Richard Chonak

John Schultz

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This page contains a single entry by Pete Vere published on September 19, 2003 8:27 AM.

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