Some numbers are more meaningful than others


Coming in the next Left Behind book: the Washington Beltway is renamed as Interstate 666. Plausible, eh?


For those of you who are not tech-trivia geeks, this could be done because I-66 intersects the Beltway

I nominate I-295. Potholes, a poor design, and no merge lanes for many exits. Grumpy yuppies in BMWs in the morning, crackheads in Shaftmobiles at night. All of them drive 75 in the 40 zone, because there's almost noplace to put a speed trap. 295, truly thou art from Satan!

Well the LeftBehind(tm) franchise isn't above pandering to silly things like that, particularly to keep the story going. I wonder if Jesus will ever come back in that series, because that would stop them from writing more books in the series...

In terms of hellish quality, Eric, 295 beats the Beltway any time: on the other hand, the Beltway's shape - a circle - makes it better for dramatic purposes. We could even call this installment of Left Behind "No Exit", but Sartre already took that.

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On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.

Richard Chonak

John Schultz

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This page contains a single entry by Richard Chonak published on September 21, 2003 8:00 PM.

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