Props to Recovering Choir Director

| 1 Comment

I just wanted to give a link back to A.A.E. for making CL a daily visit and linking back here. We have a bit in common in terms of our involvement with music ministry and are only 4 years apart in age. There you have it. I'm only 31. But I'm in to my 10th year of directing a choir at my parish.

1 Comment

Thanks for the link, John. If you've been in your position at your parish for 10 years it means three of three things; 1) you pray; 2) you've got support; and 3) you've got thick skin. :-)

BTW, any chances on resurrecting the "Care and Feeding" 'blog? I enjoyed it for its rubber-to-the-road perspective. Nowadays I'm just a "liturgical spectator"...

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This page contains a single entry by John Schultz published on September 8, 2003 1:38 PM.

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