Update as of 9:41am Wednesday: A big, scary new hurricane path map.
The current path of Hurricane Isabel has it bearing down on the DC-area, where 60% of the CL contributors reside. Luckily, our in-house Canonist and our up-north Catholic Light-kateer* should be out of harm's way. And the Catholic Light network operations are within a weather-proof, bomb-proof, lunch-meat stocked network center in an undisclosed location. Much like VP Dick Cheney.
*That would be RC. RC - help me with a new nickname.
Actually, I'm scheduled to spend next weekend in Washington. The flight's Friday evening. You don't expect any problems with the weather, do you?
The weather may not harm you down there, but that luncheon meat just might! How old is it?
Ya got me wondering, John. It turns out the undisclosed location is Atlanta! Hi, y'all!
We're already in a state of emergency here in Virginia! I biked to work this morning under sunny blue skies in 65 degree weather. Quite an emergency, no?
It's forecast for sunny and 100 here...