The Naked Spin


Can you believe this one: here's how the CBC's international service spins a bishop's criticism of the Government's "gay marriage" proposal:

There will not be any reprimands for an outspoken Canadian Catholic bishop who suggested last week that Prime Minister Jean Chretien's soul was in jeopardy over the legalization of same-sex marriage. Peter Schonenbach of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops says the bishops don't have the authority to reprimand Calgary Bishop Fred Henry. Bishop Schonenbach says Bishop Henry is entitled to his opinion. Bishop Henry appears unrepentant. He says Catholic people have been asking when someone is going to remind Catholic politicians of their responsibilities. A spokesman for Mr. Chretien says his primary responsibility is to the Canadian people, not to his religion.
The mere suggestion that Bishop Henry be reprimanded is galling.

But there is good news: Toronto's archbishop has directed priests to preach the Church's teaching on the subject.


Given the past (generally left "progressive") political pronouncements of the CCCB, you can bet money that there at least some apparatchiks (though I hope not bishops) at the CCCB for whom the Schonenbach quote represents their views.... they would chastize him if they could, but they can't .... yet.

Well, I'm presuming that the concept of a reprimand arose in some reporter's question and not at Bp. Schonenbach's initiative.

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On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.

Richard Chonak

John Schultz

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This page contains a single entry by Richard Chonak published on August 3, 2003 12:23 AM.

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