For the Arnold quote contest we have two winners.
The quote that Arnold didn't say was:
E) "California doesn't need a tax hike. It needs Gray Davis out of office and teaching politics at a community college."
I made that up. I just like the thought of Gray Davis teaching Civics 101 at the Tumbleweed Campus of Chico State Community College. He could start wearing those blazers with the elbow patches like in the old Spiderman movies.
So here are the winners:
Robin (looks like a Shea from the e-mail address) &
Chris of Maine Catholic
Congrats! The other quotes were found on FoxNews in various articles and on We Love Arnold, a site from the same people that brought us We Love The Iraqi Information Minister.
Dear John:
I am so excited to be co-winner of your "guess the quote" contest! But mainly I wanted to tell you that your fake quote is GREAT. Too bad Arnold doesn't have you on his team. If he did, I might consider supporting him.
Robin Shea (no relation to Mark)
Thanks Robin!