I feel your pain, John. While I can respect people who hold opinions different from mine, I cannot tolerate extremist actions on their part in a childish attempt to "get their way". Threatening to disrupt Jason Alexander's performances hits a little close to home for me, since we have a clot of protesters outside my parish between Masses every Sunday, displaying very graphic posters and shouting at parishoners who are coming and going. It's been going on for over a year, and many of us have to sheild our children's eyes or leave through a back exit to avoid them. What they are protesting has nothing to do with the parish, its current local leadership or its members. So I too am FRIED by this! I think I'll go out and drown my anger in a big old bucket of boneless KFC BBQ wings.
I feel your pain, John. While I can respect people who hold opinions different from mine, I cannot tolerate extremist actions on their part in a childish attempt to "get their way". Threatening to disrupt Jason Alexander's performances hits a little close to home for me, since we have a clot of protesters outside my parish between Masses every Sunday, displaying very graphic posters and shouting at parishoners who are coming and going. It's been going on for over a year, and many of us have to sheild our children's eyes or leave through a back exit to avoid them. What they are protesting has nothing to do with the parish, its current local leadership or its members. So I too am FRIED by this! I think I'll go out and drown my anger in a big old bucket of boneless KFC BBQ wings.