California leads the way!


Here's a story about how some Oakland Catholics got organized to let the Vatican know about problems in their diocese, with the use of a little technology.


I read the whole article about the Oakland R.O.C.K.S organization, but I still don't understand the photograph of the clowns at Mass. What's up with that?!

By the way, I thought your title for the entry (California Leads the Way!), was pretty unusual to see on a blog like this. You don't often hear about postive trends in traditional religion getting their start in the Golden State. Typically, you hear about Californian-type ideas like "Finding God Through the Power of Yogurt With Fruit on the Bottom" or "The Church of Jesus Christ and His Really Well-Behaved Third-Cousin Bob".

Just kidding around with you, California readers! I've been to your state, traveled the entire length of it, and found it to be a beautiful place full of very nice people.

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On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.

Richard Chonak

John Schultz

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This page contains a single entry by Richard Chonak published on July 8, 2003 11:20 AM.

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