WASHINGTON (CNN) -- President Bush indicated Wednesday he opposes extending marriage rights to homosexuals, saying he believes marriage "is between a man and a woman."Bush said it is "important for society to welcome each individual," but administration lawyers are looking for some way to legally limit marriage to heterosexuals.
"I believe marriage is between a man and a woman, and I think we ought to codify that one way or another," Bush told reporters at a White House news conference. "And we've got lawyers looking at the best way to do that."
For the record, current law doesn't require that the man and women be heterosexually-oriented; they merely need to be a man and a woman.
I agree with George Bush
I agree with President Bush, marriage should be between a man and a woman.
I agree with the President.
I agree with President Bush
I agree with the President.
I whole hearltly agree with President Bush.
I agree with President Bush.
I agree with President Bush.
I agree with President Bush.
God created woman for man, not another man for his companion.
God created woman for man, not another man for his companion.
I agree with President Bush - and the Bible!
I agree with President Bush
I agree wholeheatedly with President Bush.
We agree with President Bush & the Bible.
We agree with the President, homosexuals are a sin against GOD. Anyone standing for them, stand for satans ways, not GODs ways.
I completely agree with President Bush. There is a reason that men and women were created. We have abused most everything that God has given us and I believe this is one thing that should remain sacred.
I agree with President Bush. The Bible is the authority and it says marriage is between a man and a woman.
I agree with President Bush,the Bible & The Lord God.
I agree with the Bible. Marriage is between one man and one woman.
I agree with President Bush.
I agree with the president and the Bible's teachings!!
I agree with President Bush.
Definitely agree with Pres. Bush
We agree with President Bush as this is the Biblical teaching, the true Word of God.
We agree with President Bush.
THe Word of God teaches us that God created man and woman to populate the earth so that we may glorify Him. It doesn't matter what I think, it matters what God says is right for my life.
We believe God has a unique plan for marriage as is stated in His Holy Word. We want only God's plan for our lives.
We believe in President Bush and the Word of God!
I believe that marriage is a spiritual institution designed to illustrate God's unconditional love for us, as a man should love his wife. This symbol should not be perverted by condoning something God is opposed to. The Bible says, "Marriage is honorable, and the bed should be undefiled".
Right on Mr President, and thanks for taking a stand for what is right. Not many in your position would make such a statement. I wish all christians would be so bold.
I agree with the President. According to the
Bible, same sex unions are an abomination. God
created woman as a companion for man. May God
continue to bless and protect President Bush.
I agree with the president!
Had GOD intented for man to marry man or woman to marry woman, He would have create Adam and Steve instead of Adam and Eve. Good going President Bush. GOD Bless you and your family.
I agree with the president!
I agree with the president!
I agree completely with President Bush
God Bless our President and all who believe in the Bible - the true word!
I absolutely agree with President George Bush; marriage should only be between a man and a woman.
I agree with Pres Bush.
I agree with President Bush
All you have to do is read the Bible to know that the President is correct when he says marriage is only for one man and one woman. All Chistians need to band together and pray for all of these misinformed individuals that believe in same sex marriages. God Bless Everyone!
Thank God we have a President willing to make a stand for what is right. Blessing a union between homosexuals would be the beginning of the end of civilization and family values as we know it.
Yes, I think marriage should be legally defined as only a union between a man and a woman. I do not think God has changed His mind about what He created us for - a woman for a man. No matter what a few or many do to try to justify their actions, God will be the final judge.
We both whole heartedly agree with our President's view on marriage. Americans who differ should study the Genesis account of the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah in the Bible and hopefully realize that they are pushing our country into the same fate.
I agree with President Bush
Yes, I agree with President Bush. Marriages should be legally defined as only matrimony between man and woman.
I totally agree, Mr. President. The Bible is very clear on this subject.
I totally agree, Mr. President. The Bible is very clear on this subject.
I agree with the President and the Lord's Word!
Stand up and let your voices be heard! This is just a common sense and morals issue.
I disagree with the president. If a person wants to be homosexual why should it bother us.
I agree with George Bush. Marriage is reserved for a male and female
We agree with George Bush that marriage is reserved for a male and female.
I DISAGREE with the president.
First off, I believe that you can't help whom you fall in love with. Secondly, I believe most people are against same sex marriages/partners because of the sex issue. (Sex is not the ONLY thing that constitutes your feelings towards someone else.) And finally and CERTAINLY most important, all of you that are in favor of Bush and his ideas should take a look at the First Amendment in the United States Constitution. I thought there was supposed to be a separation between church and state. Apparently not, otherwise the government wouldn't have been involved with taking prayer out of public schools. Can someone answer me why the government wants to stop federal funding for those that desire higher education to become Preachers and Priests? Maybe the general public should pick up a book that discusses the Constitution and take a good look at what our Forefathers REALLY intended for this country. Only AFTER you have all the facts can you make a whole-hearted decision. One last thing, if America is supposed to be “the land of the free”, don’t you think we should be proving that? Maybe if we started in our own backyard, love and peace might spread like wild fire throughout the world.