SCOTUS annulls Texas sodomy law


The constitutional-penumbral "right of privacy" just got bigger, thanks to the Supreme Court. We can look forward to lawsuits, probably soon, that attempt to strike down the Defense of Marriage Act and state marriage laws. The slide continues.


The slide continues indeed, and the end is nowhere in sight. Someday, we're going to have to take a good hard look at what really went wrong ...

As we slide along we will see increasing state, and even Supreme-sponsored, persecution of faithful Catholics and other Christians who continue to uphold a sexual morality that forbids and condemns what establishment libertinism regards as so many harmless personal choices.

Will priests, bishops or theologians be sent to jail for refusing NOT to teach true morality? Will schools be denied funds or closed? Will documents containing the traditional moral doctrine be condemned as "hate literature," and even eventually burned?

Wait for it.

In a saner world, this case would never had made it to the US Supreme court, or any court. The cops would have apologised for breaking down the door and arrested the vicious neighbor for making a false police report; or failing that, the local prosecutor would have done the apologising and let it go at we're stuck with another court ruling with a sharp back edge to it.......

The Greeks had a great civilization that eventually collapsed. The Romans also had a great civilization that eventually collapsed. I fear that our western culture, another great civilization, dominated primarily by the United States, may be starting its own collapse. It will not be war or global catastrophe that will bring it about, but the gradual erosion of families, morals and values that is already well underway.

What? Who?

On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.

Richard Chonak

John Schultz

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This page contains a single entry by Richard Chonak published on June 26, 2003 10:49 AM.

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