I can't wait for part 2!


Hi Father Gee! Glenn & I were in Punta Cana in September. We wanted very much to pay you a visit because we were in the same country as you.
The Dominican Republic is beautiful but not enough sightseeing. The roads are in terrible
condition. Our tour was from the airport to the resort (Hour plus). Because of the roads a few of us got sick.

Your presence at Our Lady of Angels is greatly missed. From your daily log, it sounds as though you're making progress in Santo Domingo. How are you fairing (sp?)?

This website of yours is great! I've not seen anything like it. A log and pictures.

Sorry we didn't make it to Santo Domingo. Will you &/or Fr.Violette (is it too nosey to ask where he is stationed?)be back? Both of you are missed. Best Wishes, Loretta Brixius.

Hi Father Gee,

Mom (Jean McGarry) is visiting us in Phoenix and mentioned that you had been "HOME" a while ago. She said you are working hard, and after reading some of your blog site - it is certain you have great challenges in the Dom.Republic. Being a health care professional I would like to suggest you do go for the Epipen which would be an injectable way to turn down your bodies response in an allergic reaction! :)

Do you have an address where we can send your our yearly Christmas Letter or some way we can send you mail?

We are hoping to make it back East ourselves real soon. Baby # 2 is on the way in 2 short months.......UGGHHH!! Will we ever be ready??

God's Blessings and our prayers,
Rebecca Logue

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On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.

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This page contains a single entry by Sal published on May 26, 2003 6:35 PM.

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Hey! That church is shaped like a church! is the next entry in this blog.

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