Prayer request for in utero Johnson
(I did manage to get the right Latin medical phrase this time.) My wife and I are expecting this year's baby crop in about six weeks, so if you all would throw a few prayers our way, we would appreciate it. Saint Gerard is our favorite intercessor for such things, but any requests sent heavenwards are wonderful. (Hmm..."Utero" is a fantastic boy's name. I'll ask Paige what she thinks. I'm sure she'll love it.)
Please pray that I can get a job very soon, I have been unemployed for several months now. Also pray that I can quit smoking, and pray that I do well in school and will be able to have my own home, I am currently renting a room.
Pray for son and his family, may his marriage be healed. Also that their hearts be open to recive Gods Mercy and love.
Pray for son and his family, may his marriage be healed. Also that their hearts be open to recive Gods Mercy and love.
Please help Michae my son. He needs a miracle with his learning disability to pass a test in Calculus II Friday.
Please help Michael my son. He needs a miracle with his learning disability to pass a test in Calculus II Friday.
Please help Michael my son. He needs a miracle with his learning disability to pass a test in Calculus II Friday.