My Wife is the Greatest Wife of All Time


My wife gave me the greatest gift for our 3rd anniversary - a homemade Rosary. The beads are blue crystal from eastern Europe, it has a St. Cecilia medal attached and a silver papal cross. She said it took 6 hours to make, she made it while I was at class. What a thoughtful gift. She is the greatest.


All rosaries are in vain, Rosaries are an abomination to the Lord! READ THE BIBLE

He said only "the heathens pray repeticiously, thinking they will be heard for their much speaking".

Are you a heathen?

The Lord said not to pray as the heathen do, He is not stupid, or deaf, He wants everyone to repent and mean it! before they even consider what to ask of Him, He taught us that if we are truly sorry for our sin He points at and we no longer do those things that displease Him, then we ask if He could forgive us, and when He does, He said He will not only forgive but will forget them (which makes us perfect at that moment), and THAT is when His ear is listening to you, for He said He only hears the prayer of the righteous, but you cannot be a sinner ("slave to sin"), He said He will not listen to those who are not surrendering their all to be like Him, and He said He will come into us and sup with us if we invite Him into our heart and it is HE that builds the church He said, not man, for man's building is in vain, He said He builds from the inside out, man builds from the outside in. If you read your Bible, you would know all this, you'd be ashamed to brag of a rosary, OR a religion for that matter. Jesus said "We having the same Spirit of faith, according as it is written." (notice He didn't say "according to your religion"?) Jesus is "...the word of God made flesh and dwelt among us" He is what is written, He directed each word in the Bible to be there, "It is finished" He said, now all we have to do is read His word and be filled with Him in us, "The Word" for the Word is what cleanses us He said, says it baptises us in the cleanest way possible, I ought to know, I have had so many Biblical miracles happen to me! so many, I am writing a book to record them all, and then some.

It's great that you are trying to hard to love and obey Christ's teachings, Marie. That's exactly what all us Catholics are praying for every day, in our "heathen" Rosaries. :-)

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On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.

Richard Chonak

John Schultz

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This page contains a single entry by John Schultz published on May 30, 2002 9:46 PM.

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