The Press: February 2005 Archives

Another Liberal Media Drive-by


The chicken said, "Eat beef!"
"I concur - beef is the tastiest form of protein!" said the fish.
And the pig said, "Beef does a body good! Just don't wrap it in bacon!"

And that's what having James Carroll review John Cornwell's book "The Pontiff in Winter" is like.

Who wants to take the Post to task on this? Perhaps we could do a group letter from St. Blogs and rattle the Book World cages over at WashPost central?

Someone would need to volunteer to draft a response, we could pass it around for edits and then do the virtual signature... Who's up for it?

What? Who?

On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.

Richard Chonak

John Schultz

You write, we post
unless you state otherwise.


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