Pro-Life: April 2009 Archives

An escape - to where?

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This article shows the depths of the assisted suicide obsession.

The Swiss "clinic," serving mostly "patients" from Britain, now plans the assisted suicide of a perfectly healthy woman. Why? Because her partner is terminally ill - and if he goes, she wants to go at the same time.

It seems like the stuff of romance novels and epic stories - the suicide pact. I'm sure there are people who are so without hope that they feel their life is already over, or could end at any time.

Still the "clinic" operators return to the same point when explaining their reason for being.

...anyone who has "mental capacity" should be allowed to have an assisted suicide, claiming that it would save money for the National Health Service.
...Mr Minelli said that failed suicide attempts caused problems and extra costs for the British health service.
..."For 50 suicide attempts you have one suicide and the odds of failing with heavy costs for the National Health Service," he said."In many, many cases they are terribly hurt afterwards, sometimes you have to put them into institutions for 50 years, very costly."
Let's look on the bright side, they tell us:
"We should have a nicer attitude to suicide, saying suicide is a very good possibility to escape."
So there you have it. The "patient" has no hope. The clinic has the secular reason for making it happen: cut costs.

As we approach Holy Week, we are about to relive the story of hopelessness turned to hope through the death and resurrection of Jesus. May those who are contemplating their escape find hope in Jesus' sacrifice.

What? Who?

On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.

Richard Chonak

John Schultz

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