Pro-Life: April 2004 Archives

Reuters reports that Cardinal Arinze thinks pro-abortion politicians should not receive the Eucharist. Reuters is, in my opinion, the worst of the international news services (note that they spell the cardinal's name "Arnize" in the third paragraph, at least as of the 10:09am version of the story). However, they use the more honest term "pro-abortion."

Cardinal Arinze deserves a lifetime Catholic Light Total Badass Award for resisting the culture of death.

How long, O Lord?

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Despair is one of the seven deadlies, and I'm not tempted to it, but I can understand why many orthodox Catholics want to withdraw from the world in disgust. One of two men who will be president is a Catholic who openly defies Catholic teaching and dares Church leaders to do something about it. Yet it looks like the shepherds will be as sheep once again:

Rev. John Ardis, director of the Paulist Center, said the Kerrys had received Communion [at the Paulist Center in Boston] and were always welcome to do so. Asked if he had been instructed not to offer Kerry Communion Ardis said: "No. Definitely not. I got a call from them (the archdiocese) an hour ago ... They wanted me to know that the archbishop has not taken a stand and he is free to receive the Eucharist."
How long will we have to endure this? Why are people who try to keep the faith constantly marginalized, and powerful and arrogant men are accomodated?

If you've read my postings, you know that I believe Catholics should engage and transform the culture, not shun it. It would be nice if bishops would try harder to restrain the wolves among us who mislead the faithful into thinking that abortion and Catholicism can somehow be reconciled.

Here is a United States senator and presidential candidate who doesn't just look the other way if women procure abortions, he goes out of his way to make sure they do it. He even thinks it's okay to deliver a child partially and violently murder it by stabbing it in the head and sucking out his brains -- and he went out of his way to vote against prohibiting that type of murder.

This problem isn't going to go away. The bishops need to collectively correct John Kerry or people will continue to make excuses for attacks on innocent children. There are plenty of laity who are pointing this out, but it is bishops and priests who bear the primary responsibility for teaching the faith and protecting the faithful. Some of the clergy have begun to contend for the faith; others must join them. On my knees, I pray they will do their duty.

Stem Cells: The New Viagra

"The promise offered by the use of stem cells is virtually boundless," DiPrima said. "There is no reason why stem-cell-based cures can't be found for such unfortunate afflictions as wrinkles, cellulite, excessive flatulence, chronic halitosis, and erectile dysfunction."
Read the full article.

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