Picky, Picky: February 2004 Archives

What you find in the comments


Fr. Shawn says that most of the ongoing argument that readers post in weblog comments isn't worth doing or reading, and he's got a point.

Sometimes people post stuff in the comments that I don't know how to respond to, if at all. Long-dormant weblog entries often get new additions, as for example, by this anti-Catholic dame; or as these folks posting their prayer petitions for their lost marriages, endangered jobs, and serious illnesses, onto web pages that few people will ever read again.

I guess the latter is a reminder that there's a world of hurt out there, folks.

"Every human being, even those marked by sickness and suffering, is a great gift to the Church and to humanity," the Pope said. He said that everyone who is in pain because of illness should find other people ready to provide them with care and concern. Human suffering, he said, "is always a call for the display of merciful love."

The World Day for the Sick should be a reminder of "the important place in the Christian community for people who suffer," the Pope continued. He reminded his audience that while suffering can appear pointless from a human perspective, in the light of the Gospel we should seek its "profound salvific significance."

[via CWN]

What? Who?

On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.

Richard Chonak

John Schultz

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