Bishops: January 2012 Archives

I got an e-mail today from, that helpful web site that tracks the appointments, transfers, and retirements of bishops, using the announcements from the Holy See as their data source.

The news is that a coadjutor bishop has been appointed for the see of San Diego. That should be good news.

But when I looked up the name of the new bishop with a web search, this article appeared near the top of the listing:

"Cirilo Flores Rarely Pursued Discipline of Molesting Priests While Serving on Important Church Board"

Now, from reading the piece, it's clear that the article isn't written from an unbiased perspective, and it doesn't give both sides of the story. But the existence of such an article means that the new coadjutor is guaranteed to get bad press at the least; at worst, he might not be a suitable appointment.

So it deserves investigation before he gets appointed to San Diego. It makes me wonder whether the responsible parties of the Congregation for Bishops are even thinking to run an internet search before they send a name to the Holy Father.

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On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.

Richard Chonak

John Schultz

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