Pete Vere: March 2008 Archives

With apologies for another vanity posting...

I'm often asked, as both a journalist and a canon lawyer, how Boston has affected the Church in North America. In some ways it has been for the good - sexual abuse is no longer covered up in the Church. In other ways, not so good. Young priests get nasty stares whenever they wear their collar in public.

Anyway, a number of my colleagues in the canon law world agreed to go on record with me for a story in today's Washington Times.

Dom Calvet's funeral held today

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Today is the funeral of Dom Gerard Calvet, founder of the post-conciliar traditional Benedictine movement. He was a good man, and it was because of his loyalty to the Church and the traditional liturgy that traditional Catholics now feel at home in the Church. I hope the Church will one day find him worthy of canonization.

That being said, it was an honour to write his obituary for LifeSite News and The Washington Times. I've also been invited to write his obituary for The Wanderer and Challenge Magazine:

- Renowned French Pro-Life Abbott Dies at Age 80

- Calvet, 80, mourned in France

May Father Abbot's soul, and the soul of all the faithfully departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

What? Who?

On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.

Richard Chonak

John Schultz

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