John Schultz: January 2008 Archives

SALT LAKE CITY (AP) - In the days after Mormon Church president and prophet Gordon B. Hinckley is laid to rest, the men who served as his closest advisers will begin the process of choosing a successor.

But the deliberations after Saturday will not hold the intrigue of the election of a Roman Catholic pope, during which geography, politics and other factors combine in a process that ends with white smoke puffing from a chimney.

At least in modern days, choosing the leader of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has come down to the simple matter of who is next in line for an office unique among religious traditions. ...full story


After a long wait, our foster (and very soon to be adopted) baby was baptized earlier this month. Our joy is beyond measure. One of these days I'll post the whole foster baby story - but for now, just enjoy the beautiful kid with the rosy cheeks.

From left to right: Jean DiPaolo, Teresa, Asya, Msgr. Tom Cassidy, Me, Dr. Tony DiPaolo. Dr. Tony and his wife Jean are the happy God parents.

What? Who?

On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.

Richard Chonak

John Schultz

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