John Schultz: March 2007 Archives

A little Puccini

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Eric and Paige will enjoy this since they were once students of Russ Penney.

Below is my voice teacher singing Nessun Dorma with the Fairfax Wind Symphony.

In the final days of Lent...

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This Washington Times article begs the question:

Is eating at Long John Silver's a penance?

The last line is a bit depressing:

"As a rule, generally, we have a really good Friday," said Deborah Kearney, spokeswoman for Legal Sea Foods, which has six restaurants in the Washington area. "During Lent, it's even stronger. Good Friday, it's probably triple [the business] of a very busy Friday."

The sad saga continues

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[Episcopal] Bishops refuse alternative for traditionalists

NEW YORK (AP) -- Episcopal bishops meeting privately in Texas have rejected demands from the world's Anglicans that they provide an alternative leader for conservatives who oppose ordaining homosexuals -- a move that brings the church to the brink of expulsion from the Anglican Communion.
In the strongest and most direct language yet defending their support for homosexual relationships, the bishops said that accepting a second leader for traditionalists would violate Episcopal Church law and the founding principles of the church.
"We cannot accept what would be injurious to the church and could well lead to its permanent division," the bishops said in the resolution.

No mention of how ordaining practicing homosexuals violates the founding principles of the church.

What's the fuss?

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I'm going to eat it. So... don't worry yourself with using "only eggs from hens that have lived cage-free; veal from roaming calves; and lobsters that have been removed from their ocean traps quickly to avoid crowded holding tanks." Whole thing here.

It's food - not family.

Great headline

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Latin to replace Dylan

CATHOLICS could soon be singing Gregorian chants during worship after Pope Benedict announced he wants the singing style to make a comeback.

The 79-year-old German Pope, who last week told the world he does not care much for Bob Dylan, said the Catholic faithful should learn more of the chanting traditionally sung in Latin by choirs of monks.
"The better-known prayers of the Church's tradition should be recited in Latin and, if possible, selections of Gregorian chant should be sung," he said... full article here.

I guess "Latin to replace Haugen" is a little to much to ask during Lent...

What? Who?

On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.

Richard Chonak

John Schultz

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