John Schultz: February 2006 Archives

'Da Vinci Code' Author Accused of Copyright Breach

I guess he'll have to spend some of his Da Vinci Dollars on lawyers...

Tuesday Diversion

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What do they feed the cats in China? [photo gallery]

Keeping with the Italian theme

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Now we know the definition of "Italian roadblock"

"To find out what Vice President Cheney has to say about this weekend's hunting accident and the resulting public relations fiasco, let's watch FoxNews together."

Our beloved ex-Mayor turned convict turned city-council member was up for sentencing today for failing to file city and federal tax forms from 2000 to today.

His sentencing has been delayed another month.

According to federal judge Deborah Robinson, the defense has yet to turn in a pre-sentencing report.

Barry's lawyer said he thought he submitted it, but didn't have a copy. The judge gave him until 4 p.m. this afternoon to turn it in. (source)

Are you skipping lunch today, counsellor?

Malaysian Perspective

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Flagrant caricature of Catholic faith ignored

Ask any ethically sound man and he will tell you immediately that the kind of schizophrenic morality practised by some Malaysians cannot arise from a genuine obedience to the laws of the Almighty but rather that it is an undisguised worship of expediency (self-interest). It is often the hypocrites who make the most noise.

During the administration of John F Kennedy in the 60s when negotiations with the former Soviet Union were almost reaching a deadlock, the president told his aides that the attitude of the Russians seem to be: ‘What is mine is mine. What is yours we negotiate.’

Here's a blog written by an Opus Dei priest, Fr. John Wauck.

Cruise line sets sail for record with megaship

For you Star Trek fans: the ship will be called Project Genesis.

Belongs on The Onion

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Someone please tell me this isn't true.

"SECRET discussions between the Roman Catholic Church and Michael Jackson to put the prayers of Pope John Paul II to music appeared to be in disarray last night after the singer fled members of the press who had got wind of the project." ...more

Who's afraid of opera?

BENNETT, Colo. - Some parents in this prairie town are angry with an elementary school music teacher for showing pupils a video about the opera "Faust," whose title character sells his soul to the devil in exchange for being young again...

Tresa Waggoner showed approximately 250 first-, second- and third-graders at Bennett Elementary portions of a 33-year-old series titled "Who's Afraid of Opera" a few weeks ago.

The video features the soprano Dame Joan Sutherland and three puppet friends discussing Gounod's "Faust." Waggoner thought it would be a good introduction to opera.

I wonder how many of those kids get to watch MTV or the Fox network after 8pm? Could that be any worse than Joan Sutherland and puppet friends talking about opera?

The Coup de grâce:

Another parent, Casey Goodwin, said, "I think it glorifies Satan in some way."

I agree that Joan Sutherland talking to puppet friends might be a little disturbing. See below:

But glorifies Satan? That's nuts.

The teacher gets a jab in at the end of the article:

"I was definitely not sensitive to the conservative nature of the community, and I've learned that," Waggoner said in Sunday's editions of The Denver Post. "However, from what has been said about me, that I'm a Satan worshipper, my character, I can't believe all of this. My intention was just to expose the kids to opera."

Get it? Having a conservative nature means you are a nasty reactionary.

For those of you who are now curious about the Faust story, here's a synopsis of the opera if you want to draw your own conclusions.

Posted without comment

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Kid Writes Essay Threatening Bush, Oprah
Secret Service is investigating.

Dress Code


Who wears t-shirts to the State of the Union address?

Cindy Sheehan, and the wife of Florida Rep. Bill Young. Both were ejected by Capitol police.

And what a lame way to go. I thought Sheehan would have waited to cause a spectacle. She might have jumped out of the balcony Tosca-style yelling, "Bush killed my son!" And as she lay injured on the floor of the senate, she would have smiled at the camera and said, "Senator Feinstein - I'm coming for you, you sell out... someone get Jessee Jackson - this is the photo op of the century..."

Instead she decides to wear a t-shirt that said "2,245 Dead. How many more."

A more appropriate shirt would have been this.

What? Who?

On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.

Richard Chonak

John Schultz

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